Case Results

$11.1 Million

Sand Hauler Tractor-Trailer Case

We represented the daughter when she and her father were hit by an unqualified sand hauler driver in Midland County. who failed to yield the right-of-way when he pulled out of a lease road. We prosecuted the case jointly with the father’s attorney and received a $11 million collective settlement, of which 20% went to the daughter, and then collected an additional $100,000 in underinsured motorist benefits.

Attorney Fees $799,333

Expenses $11,938.94

$3.665 Million


We represented a number of ranchers in a severe fire in Southern Taylor County who suffered loss of livestock, grazing, and trees.

Attorney Fees $1,325,306.00

Expenses $11,451.14

$6.0 Million

18-Wheeler Truck Case

Our client was tragically killed as a result of the negligence of two different 18-wheeler drivers. Case settled the Friday before trial.

Attorney Fees $2,400,000
Expenses $74,476.39

$5.1 Million

18-Wheeler Truck Case

Our client was driving on IH-20 access road when a tractor-trailer left a private parking lot, hitting him, and causing a neck injury, resulting in a surgery. Case settled mid-trial for policy limits after sitting the jury.

Attorney Fees $2,040,000
Expenses $58,122.09

$2.4 Million

18-Wheeler Truck Case

Our client was driving on IH-20 when a tractor-trailer veered into oncoming traffic severely injuring him.

Attorney Fees $960,000
Expenses $65,549.13

$2.030 Million

Commercial Motor Vehicle Wreck

Our client was a passenger on a motorcycle when hit from behind, causing extensive injuries. Liability was hotly contested, as were damages.

Attorney Fees $812,000
Expenses $116,760.43

$1.850 Million

Commercial Motor Vehicle Wreck

Our client was rear-ended by a commercial driver, with a long history of speeding. The employer did not conduct a reasonable background search and entrusted their vehicle to him.

Attorney Fees $740,000
Expenses $29,967.45

$1.143 Million

Dram Shop Case

Our client was injured and her spouse killed when hit by a drunk driver who was negligently overserved by a bar

Attorney Fees $461,147.36
Expenses $22,308.36

$1.045 Million

Underinsured Motorist Benefits in a Motor Vehicle Wreck

Our client was rear-ended and we were able to find a commercial auto policy providing him UIM benefits.

Attorney Fees $415,000.00
Expenses $11,612.10

$1.020 Million

Commercial Motor Vehicle Wreck

Our client’s spouse was killed while being driven to a remote work site.

Attorney Fees $206,666.66
Expenses $11,042.67

$1.007 Million

Drunk Driving Motor Vehicle Wreck / Underinsured Motorist Benefits

Our client was injured and her spouse killed by a drunk driver.

Attorney Fees $99,586.53
Expenses $413.47


Drunk Driving Motor Vehicle Wreck

Our client was a passenger in a car being driven by a business owner. Insurance Coverage was disputed, but we were able to get the driver insured under her business’ policy.

Attorney Fees $312,000
Expenses $18,474.59


Negligent Hiring / Sexual Assault

Our client was sexually assaulted by a sexual predator negligently hired by a business.

Attorney Fees $293,333.33
Expenses $29,556.35


Wind Turbine Accident

Our client was injured while working on a wind turbine.

Attorney Fees $165,456.56
Expenses $34,543.44


Commercial Motor Vehicle Accident

Our client was injured when a commercial motor vehicle crossed the lane and ran into him

Attorney Fees $220,000
Expenses $12,975.60


Electrical Contact

Our client was injured when coming into contact with an energized power line

Attorney Fees $279,200
Expenses $56,296.42

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.