Every day, port trucking companies around Los Angeles put hundreds of impaired drivers on the road, pushing them to work with...
Checkmate – Early Moves Define Negotiation Outcomes
Chess grandmasters report that, while a match may last hours, the board is set in the first few moves. Players send strategic signals early and then work for hours to implement their plan while taking account of, but not...
Cade Browning named to American Board of Trial Advocates
Cade Browning of Browning Law Firm, PLLC has been inducted into the Texas Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA). Membership into ABOTA is by invitation-only to trial attorneys who have successfully demonstrated excellent trial skills while maintaining the highest levels of integrity, professionalism, honor, and courtesy and is widely...
Browning Paper on Underinsured Law Is Published
Cade Browning's paper, "What is This Critter? UM/UIM Causes of Action Post-Brainard" was recently published in the Spring 2015 edition of the News for Bar, by the Litigation Section of the State Bar of Texas. The paper deals with the Post-Brainard world of Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage litigation in Texas and...
Cade Browning / Browning Law Firm, PLLC – Top Jury Verdicts of 2014
Cade Browning and Law Firm, PLLC has been recognized for a Top Jury Verdict of 2014. No. 17 top jury verdict in Texas for Motor Vehicle Accidents in 2014. The case was a claim for Underinsured Insurance Benefits regarding the need for future cervical spine surgeries related to a rear-end wreck. The case was tried in the...
Tragic Trucking Wreck Reminds of Need for Fast Response
The horrible tractor-trailer wreck in Merkel this week reminds me of the need to fully investigate tragic wrecks such as these immediately. The trucking company has a rapid response investigation team who comes to scenes such as these hours after the wreck and so should the victim's families. This will help in...
What is this Critter? Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Causes of Action Post-Brainard
A FEW MONTHS AGO, A STRANGE LOOKING BEAST approached a deer feeder on the Y-6 Ranch just north of the Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos in southern Stonewall County. Out of the cedars, it came...
Presidents Day Reminds Us Of The Importance of Jury System
In honor of Presidents Day (2-16-15).
GEORGE WASHINGTON (First President of the United States):
“There was not a member of the Constitutional Convention who had the least objection to what is contended for by the advocates for a Bill of Rights and trial by jury.”
Family awarded $16 million in wrongful-death suit against Southlake firm and a drunk-driver
A Hamilton family has been awarded more than $16 million in a lawsuit against a Southlake nursing home company accused of allowing a worker to drive home drunk, causing a wreck that killed a father and injured three family members in Coryell County in 2013.
A Tarrant...
Allstate Denies Uninsured Motorist Claim for Impaled Driver
Holly Dunn was on her commute to work near the Fort Worth Stockyards. She was driving north on I35W when an 11-pound piece of metal ricocheted through her windshield. The police investigation concluded the metal piece that shot through Holly’s windshield was a leaf spring that likely came loose from a semi-truck...