Category: Speaking Event
Proving and Disproving a Traumatic Brain Injury Case with Cade Browning, Frank Branson, and Jeff Ray
As far back as 1700 B.C., Egyptian writings contain mention of the brain. The Egyptians referred to it as the "marrow of the skull." The early Egyptian
writings would indicate that surgeons of the day knew something of the...
Living Vicariously – Vicarious and Course-and-Scope Litigation Since Painter
vicarious liability
n. The imposition of liability on one person for the actionable conduct of another, based solely on a relationship between the two persons. Indirect or imputed legal responsibility for acts of another; for example, the liability...
Medical Expense Evidence in Personal injury Cases “What the 18 Double 01 is Going On Here?”
Dr. Doe, if you will please raise your right
Q. Doctor, tell me, how much do you charge for
a rotator cuff surgery?
A. You know, I have no idea. You will need to
ask my billing manager, Martha.
Q. Well, do...
Learning to Litigate with Apps, Advanced Trial Strategies 2021
Blood, Guts, and Sore Backs –Personal Injury Law Update
Rather than attempting a comprehensive survey of changes in all areas of personal injury law, this paper focuses on recent changes in four areas of personal injury law. The four areas are:
Changes to the...“The Rules They are A-Changin’?”
The Texas Supreme Court recently announced amendments to the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, which will affect the practice of most litigants. Although still available for comment from December 1,...
“What the 18 Double 01 is Going On Here?”
How many times have you asked a doctor during a deposition
about medical expenses, only to get befuddled by the absolute
total inability to have any idea of his own billing...
Let the Great Ax Fall – Exemplary Damages in 2019
“Punishment is Justice for the Unjust.”
Augustine of HippoNo element of recovery is so hard fought for, so feared, so leveraged, and so easily lost as exemplary damages. This paper will...
Let the Great Ax Fall – Exemplary Damages in 2019, 11th Annual Damages in Civil Litigation
“Punishment is Justice for the Unjust.”
Augustine of HippoNo element of recovery is so hard fought for, so feared, so leveraged, and so easily lost as exemplary damages. This paper will...