At the request of the Browning Law Firm and in honor of the senseless loss of 8 year old Jarrett Mantanona Representative Susan King graciously filed HB 1012 and HB 1013. HB 1012 aligns the age of a minor under the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code with the legal requirement to pursue civil action while HB 1013 defines the crime of giving alcohol to a minor — if it results in serious injury or death of the minor — as a state jail felony. The Bills honor the memory of Jarrett Paul Mantanona, a young Abilene boy killed in a Coleman County traffic accident caused by a drunken 18-year-old driver who was provided alcohol by a twenty-nine year old man.
Testimony was taken on April 9, 2013 in the License and Administrative Committee. Cade was honored to be there with the family and to try to help bring some good out of such a tragic event.
Read more here in the Abilene Reporter News.